Scoring and Bonuses

At the end of the hand, points are calculated. Points are awarded by pairwise comparison of each player's hand with the rest. The corresponding combinations are compared in each pair: the highest with the highest, the middle with the middle, and the lowest with the lowest. In case of a draw on one of the lines (for example, if two players have an equal Flush in the bottom line at once), none receive points for this hand.

Scoring in a 3-player Game

If three people play, their hands are compared in pairs with each other, and the number of points in each pair is counted. Then each player's points are summed up, and the final score in the game is determined. First, there is a calculation of the players sitting after the button. The first player, after the button, then counts against the button itself. The button then counts against the second player.

Rules for Scoring

Open Chinese poker does not use the 1-6 scoring method, but a player receives 1 point for each won line and an additional 3 points if they have won all three lines.

Dead Hand

Suppose by the end of the hand, a player has collected a combination with a violation of the order of the line strength (the top box turned out to be lower than any of the others, or the middlebox turned out to be weaker than the bottom one). In that case, their hand is declared "dead". In this case, during mutual counting, this player is considered the loser on all three lines to all opponents. If two or more players have "dead hands", then these players receive 0 points in pairwise comparison.


In addition to points for winning, all players are also awarded bonuses for the collected combinations, regardless of the distribution results. There are no bonuses for dead hands. Below is the bonus table:

Line Combination American Rules
Bottom line Straight 2
Flush 4
Full House 6
Four of a Kind 10
Straight Flush 15
Royal Flush 25
Middle line Three of a Kind 2
Straight 4
Flush 8
Full House 12
Four of a Kind 20
Straight Flush 30
Royal Flush 50
Top line 66 1
77 2
88 3
99 4
TT 5
JJ 6
QQ 7
KK 8
AA 9
222 10
333 11
444 12
555 13
666 14
777 15
888 16
999 17
TTT 18
JJJ 19
QQQ 20
KKK 21
AAA 22