32-draw poker

32-draw poker is played with 32 card decks starting from 7 to Ace. It differs from regular poker because the Flush combination is higher than the Full House, and it is also worth noting that A,7,8,9,10 is the lowest Straight, and 10, J, Q, K, A, respectively, is the highest.

Up to 5 people can participate in the game.

The goal of the game is to collect the best five-card hand.


Before the next hand begins, two players must make mandatory bets. The first player to the left of a dealer posts SB (small blind), and the one next to them posts BB (big blind).

First Betting Round

After the players have posted the blinds, five cards are dealt to everyone at the table. And the betting round begins, after which each player can replace up to 4 of their cards.

Second Betting Round

After the players have changed their cards, the second round of betting begins, after which the winner is determined.

Determining the Winner

The player with the best combination of five cards wins, and in this type of poker, the suits are divided by seniority, starting with the highest: Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs.

Divide Bank

There is a special feature in 32 Card Poker called Divide Bank, which allows all players who have not folded their cards to split the pot into equal shares, however, all players must agree.